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23 articles in: "UX"

Jul 26, 2022

Top 3 UX-UI challenges in the process of buying a motorway vignette in a mobile banking application

Users are increasingly conducting their digital transactions via mobile applications. The number of ...

Dec 21, 2021

More Popular Than Expected: The Secret of The Best Voice-user Interfaces

Personal assistants communicating with the VUI, or voice-user interface, have become much more popul...

Nov 9, 2021

Hungarian Fintech - Going the extra distance

“We always say that we were a Fintech company since before the term was invented, because we've alwa...

Oct 5, 2021

The Austrian Fintech scene - Greener grass?

From my earliest days of living in Hungary I was conscious that Austria played a big part in the his...

Sep 14, 2021

The UK Fintech Scene - Will the crown slip?

In speaking with people around Europe about all things Fintech and UX-UI, a common theme I’ve heard ...

Aug 31, 2021

The Danish Fintech Scene - Trust, Design, and something much more

About halfway through our conversation I have to ask Sarah Millerton to repeat something, because I ...

Aug 3, 2021

The Czech Fintech Scene - innovation and ingenuity

When I meet Ivan Dovica online I’m in a warm home office. He on the other hand looks like an arctic ...

Jul 20, 2021

Big Banks aren't waiting idly, Digital banking in The Netherlands - part 2

Our previous blog post was about the modern services and UX solutions of Bunq, one of the most innov...

Mar 30, 2021

Fintech UX for B2B

The Pont Vecchio, or Old Bridge, in Florence has nearly fifty shops across its span. Almost all of t...

Feb 16, 2021

The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the UX industry

The Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in profound changes in the way people throughout the world mee...

Dec 15, 2020

The Fintech Scene in Belgium

Belgium: a safe, secure country, where commerce has flourished for centuries. A country at the cente...

Oct 1, 2020

What is a Voice User Interface and why is it really needed?

Voice User Interfaces are present in many areas of life. Sometimes they are especially useful, for i...

Sep 13, 2020

UX workshops in product design

Imagine designing a new car. There are a gazillion things to consider, including what function it wi...

Jun 16, 2020

Say Goodbye to the UX Agency Next Door – The Definitive's Guide to Nearshoring

If your company has a UX project, and it does not have (enough) specialized designers, it’s a no-bra...

Jun 1, 2020

Round table discussion: Can security only be increased at the expense of user experience?

Dr. András Rung, CEO of Ergomania, led an English-language roundtable discussion on the role of UX i...

May 18, 2020

A more conscious and careful choice of feature prioritization methods is needed!

Dr. András Rung, CEO of Ergomania, gave a presentation in English titled “Choose your features with ...

Mar 29, 2020

The long awaited introduction of instant payment in Hungary, UX optimization is still missing

At the time of instant messaging, not long ago we had to wait a whole day that the sum lands on the ...

Oct 4, 2019

Startups and UX, Opportunities and Pitfalls

Startup Live debuting in Budapest in October 4-6, sets its sights on no less than its slogan propose...

Aug 15, 2019

The ultimate guide to creating personas and how to use them to enhance your business

What is persona in UX?Personas are a commonly used tools in UX design. It’s a representation of the ...

Feb 7, 2019

How chatbots improve user experience in online banking

In the recent years, chatbots have evolved and improved significantly and penetrated areas where cus...

Feb 20, 2018

Experience of use, patient's satisfaction

Rung András’s presentation at "Nagy Magánpraxis" conference – download the presentation in English (...

Dec 5, 2017


Research phase: flexible dashboard display for expandability. We first began with the mandatory crit...

Oct 24, 2017

Lego serious play usage in UX design

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) is a great methodology that uses and builds on team thinking and equal com...

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