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4 articles in: "Ergomania"

9 Jan 2024

Aron Bijl - Ergomania Senior UX Designer

If you get into conversation with Aron Bijl, be prepared to cover a lot of ground. When we speak he’...

8 Aug 2023

Meet Olga Rozskova - Ergomania's talented UX designer

By her own admission, Olga Rozskova is a very organized person. “I know, for instance, what I usuall...

30 Mar 2021

Fintech UX for B2B

The Pont Vecchio, or Old Bridge, in Florence has nearly fifty shops across its span. Almost all of t...

19 Oct 2017

First place at the Hungarian fintech competition - Simple app

\nThe first Hungarian Fintech contest organised by FinTechRadar, the newshub for innovative financia...

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