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4 articles in: "Chatbots"

1. 10. 2020

What is a Voice User Interface and why is it really needed?

Voice User Interfaces are present in many areas of life. Sometimes they are especially useful, for i...

21. 3. 2019

The Top 10 Global Trends you need to follow about insurtech in 2019

The insurance industry used to be tech lazy. It’s not true anymore. It is projected that in 2019, 2 ...

7. 2. 2019

How chatbots improve user experience in online banking

In the recent years, chatbots have evolved and improved significantly and penetrated areas where cus...

7. 12. 2018

13 essential UX principles to build a great chatbot

Chatbots have become mainstream recently. Today, the majority of stores and services have chatbots. ...

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You can broaden your knowledge about Voice Banking, which transforms finance by offering accessibility, speed, and security.

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