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6 articles in: "Voice solutions"

Jun 8, 2021

Speech can also be used for biometric identification

In recent years, communicating with voice interfaces has become a normal part of our lives.In fact, ...

May 25, 2021

A practical guide to testing voice interfaces

For VUIs, or voice user interfaces, user testing is just as essential as for any other system. Altho...

Apr 15, 2021

Visually impaired Hungarians are assisting Ergomania to develop Voice User Interfaces for all mankind

At the end of 2020, Ergomania embarked on the next phase of a larger project. Since 2013, we have be...

Mar 2, 2021

Creating Voice User Interfaces is shaping to be like a walk in the park

English has become a common language of modern times in the Northwest of the world, and this greatly...

Jan 5, 2021

Spreading the word and speech: voice-user interfaces conquer the world

The popularity of VUIs or Voice-user interfaces is unbroken, conquering new fields year after year. ...

Apr 27, 2020

I'll give it to you straight: how does it make sense to develop a voice-based game?

Microphones, in addition to physical input devices (keyboard, mouse, touch screen), are undeniably e...

Unlock insights with our 56-page whitepaper

You can broaden your knowledge about Voice Banking, which transforms finance by offering accessibility, speed, and security.

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