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6 articles in: "UX Fintech"

Aug 29, 2023

Croatia - In the process of waking up

Timing is everything in the fast moving world of Fintech, banking and crypto, and sometimes time is ...

Jul 4, 2023

‘Doing the right things’ - Ukrainian Fintech

As if to leave no doubt, the chairman of the Ukrainian Fintech Association is wearing a bl...

Jan 24, 2023

At war - Ukrainian Fintech and banking

There are several vectors I’m dealing with here, as I start to write up an interview with Mariam Mat...

Dec 20, 2022

Clas Beese - curating change and growth

Imagine this: You’re outside a beautiful walled garden. You can see inside through the gates, and th...

Feb 8, 2022

Mobile banking in Austria

In Austria, which considered to be a rather conservative country, it is perhaps not sur...

Oct 5, 2021

The Austrian Fintech scene - Greener grass?

From my earliest days of living in Hungary I was conscious that Austria played a big part in the his...

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