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8 articles in: "UI design"

12 Oct 2023

Atomic design methodology in UX - 7 things you need to know

UX and UI designers apply the atomic design methodology to make consistent design changes f...

22 Jun 2023

How to use colour psychology in UX design to achieve our goals in marketing and branding

Colours play a key role in our everyday lives and how we perceive the world. We can use this to our ...

7 Mar 2023

UX in Zurich

Why work with UX freelancers If you run digital projects from time to time, sooner or later you’ll h...

21 Feb 2023

Sustainable and Inclusive - is this the future of UX - UI design?

Sustainability and inclusivity are as important aspects in the world of U - /UI design as in other s...

7 Feb 2023

Why design is so important – for online business too 

To earn money from a product or service, you have to help users reach their goals.Design is a vessel...

26 Jul 2022

Top 3 UX-UI challenges in the process of buying a motorway vignette in a mobile banking application

Users are increasingly conducting their digital transactions via mobile applications. The number of ...

20 Apr 2022

AR, MR, VR, XR – 4 abbreviations that we must be familiar with in the world of modern UX-UI

AR, MR, VR, XR: these are abbreviations without which the second half of the 2020s cannot be imagine...

1 Oct 2020

What is a Voice User Interface and why is it really needed?

Voice User Interfaces are present in many areas of life. Sometimes they are especially useful, for i...

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